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Shipping + Returns


“A friend once told me that I should get in to the packaging business, because it took her 35 minutes to break through the layers of bubble wrap and cardboard to finally get to the perfectly preserved art!” - Erin Crowley

NOTE: If you are local to the Peterborough, Ontario area and want to skip the shipping, please send me an email with your order and we can make a special arrangement. 

Canadian Customers

All Print orders will be shipped with Canada Post and do not include tracking. 

All Originals will be shipped with Purolator and include tracking and insurance. 

US Customers

All Print orders will be shipped with US Postal Service and not include tracking. 

All Originals will be shipped with Purolator and include customs broker information, tracking and insurance. 

Please allow 8-10 days to process the order and ship accordingly. You will be notified by email with your tracking information, once the order has been processed. 

Return Policy

You shouldn't settle when it comes to buying art. If you don't love it, you are welcome to return it at your expense for a full refund within 30 days of the original purchase.